Operator, Maintenance Advisor, QHSE Advisor, Energy Guarantor, Technical Expert …
Our service offer may be of great interest to you!
High voltage
Since 2010, we have been working closely with our clients focusing on the operation and maintenance of high voltage equipment.
Our expertise has developed through the inspection of more than 4000 GIS high voltage installations while also researching leaks of Sulphur Hexafluoride gas (SF6).
Through this, our proficiency in the locating and sealing of gas leaks was born.
Today, we have the largest and most diverse range of solutions on the market.
Since 2010, we have supported our clients in their annual maintenance through the introduction of routine inspections for leaks of both solvents and gases.
No matter the size of your operation, we appreciate that your main concerns are always the same: safety, reliability, environmental impact,…
It is our aim to provide a range of solutions developed for high voltage applications, to detect and seal leaks for industrial processes and customers.

Our global awareness
The global awareness of climate change and of an “ecological heritage” to be preserved for future generations, has pushed legislators to tighten checks made on materials and to increase sustainable development in industry.
The Kyoto Protocol remains the most fundamental example of the global commitment to this more environmentally aware future with 192 countries ratifying the treaty by the end of 2012.

Evolving Regulations
Regulations change periodically to allow the industrial sectors concerned to gradually make the necessary changes.
An economic and societal issue, the monitoring and reporting of gas emissions are part of the legal obligations imposed by public authorities.